Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Well, I'd have to say that the biggest news of the past two weeks has been the vice-presidential and presidential debates.  It seems like everyone I know has been watching them and talking about them. I know many of you have been assigned to watch them by some of your teachers.  

Most commenters felt that the vice-presidential debate was a tie with no clear winner, although Democrats seemed to think Biden won, and Republicans felt Palin did better.  What do you think?  Was it confusing to understand? Many of these issues are confusing even for lifelong English speakers.

After the second presidential debate, most political sites declared Obama the clear winner, but when they asked undecided voters, it was just about even, with 14% now decided for McCain, and 15% now decided to vote for Obama.  More people may have felt Obama won the debate, but according to polls only 57% feel Obama is prepared for the job of president, while 84% think McCain is prepared.  That to me is very interesting. 

Again, what did you think? Did you watch it? Do you think one of the candidates would be a better president than the other.  Please let me know.

1 comment:

Vivian Trân Hồ said...

Personally, I prepared to see arguing and a good fight, but may be I can find it on a smack down show, not on the CNN that night. There was no moment when John McCain or Barack Obama really got fired up at each other.

But I think that's good enough. They get to talk to each other in person, face to face, and not at each other via TV or news reports. We got to hear them disagree in real-time and with "intellectual weight".

I, myself, refer Obama. If he win the election 08, I believe he will bring us (Black people and people from the East) more benefits. I hope so (T_T)

I have just read the newest poll of Gallup, Obama now got 50% supporting and McCain 42%, and from the CNN newest poll, Obama 53%, McCain 45%.

Let’s face it, Obama would have won – hands down. According to Joshua Burton, "He is younger, stronger and taller. McCain is an old veteran and a former prisoner of war. He’s seasoned, but he’s no Rambo. They guy has no fight left in him. He can’t even tie his own shoes because of old war wounds." I agree with Joshua.

One more thing, I do not support McCain because of Palin. I'm not in her side at all. Sorry Palin !

In brief, I prefer a president in control and intelligent. If I can vote, sure I vote for Obama.